Thursday 25 May 2017

Get back up again!

3P'S performance in the class singing extravaganza was a real crowd pleaser this morning. Well done, everyone!

Click here to have a look!

Wednesday 24 May 2017

We're all poets and we know it!

This week we have been exploring different types of poetry. What do you think?

Here are some limericks.

There was a young man called Jake,
who decided to bake a big cake.
He put it in a tin,
but then he fell in,
and no one could find him in the cake.

By Leyla

There was a young lady from Crewe,
who had a big bow that was blue.
The bow turned all pink,
so she rushed to the sink,
ad said that she needed the loo!

By Saskia

There was a young man called Jake,
who dreamed of eating a cake.
He ate a big pie,
and thought he would die,
but now he's as big as a steak!

By Bobby

Here are some riddles. Can you work out the answers?

A big, tall animal stomping through.
No it is not a giraffe or crocodile.
Every big step I take, I scare the small ones.
Looking around with thick grey skin.
Exciting leaves all for me.
Planting my enormous bottom on the ground.
Here and there,
No mice for me,
Ticking my trunk!

 Who am I?

By Isla

Cosy bed,
Warm house,
Beaming eyes,
Pig pointy ears.
I love to play.
I hate water.
I prance and crawl around.
What am I?

By Leyla

I like hiding in the snow,
Even though I do not glow.
I live in the mountains,
Although I don't like fountains.
I run to catch my prey,
but fun it is not!

What am I?

By Zayn

I live in the African Savannah,
I like leaves but I dislike lions!
I have hooves but I run when I need to,
Lastly, I have brown spots allover.

What am I?

By Harry

And, here are some Haikus.

Swimming is fun, good.
It cools you down very fast
and you can splash Dad!

By Matilda

Blossom on the trees
where blue tits chirp happily
by the shiny lake.

By Emily

I will camp outside
and go to the cinema!
Also archery!

By Josh

Friday 19 May 2017

Moving Monsters

In DT, our moving monsters are coming to life. Some of us have had some difficulties along the way, but we have all learnt a lot!

Click here to see a video of some of the monsters in action.
On Monday, Riz, from the Bristol Muslim Cultural Society, came to talk to us about life as a Muslim. He talk to us about the Ramadan celebration, showed us how a Muslim would pray and showed some 3D pictures of his trip to Mecca to take part in the Hajj pilgrimage.


Inspired by our trip to the sewage works, we have been writing some persuasive letters to wet wipe manufacturers, asking them to do something about the number of wipes ending up in our sewers. Mrs Penny will be sending them off, as soon as they have all been typed up. We hope to get some responses!

Friday 12 May 2017

Tea Time Concert

Well done to everyone who took part! I very much enjoyed listening to you all.
Please follow this link to view a video of snippets from some of the performances.
Tea Time Concert Summer 2017

A visit from Miss Durkin, Head of Eco Team.

This morning, we tried to find out how good we are as a school, when it comes to recycling. We collected some bins from around the school, weighed the waste, and had a look for anything that was in the wrong bin. This lead to lots of interesting discussion about whether it is better to have lots in your recycling bin, or not very much!

Friday 5 May 2017

Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum..

We have been practising our letter writing by putting ourselves in the giant's shoes, complaining about Jack's awful behaviour!

Some of us felt a little less confident about the letter layout so used a frame for help.

How heavy?

We have been practising weighing in Maths. Ask Mrs Penny's group about their pet potatoes.

Fun in the forest

Mrs Penny really enjoyed coming to the Forest with us this week. We talked about how important the trees are.


We had great fun having a go at the long jump at Failand this afternoon. We also worked on our relay hand overs!