Friday 31 March 2017

House Cross Country

Well done everyone! A fantastic afternoon!

A dramatic treat

Mrs Penny enjoyed teaching us drama this week, as Miss Plaisted was away from school. She was impressed by our alien acting!

Monday 27 March 2017

A trip back in time

We had a brilliant day  in Caerleon. We also enjoyed having a look through Mr Peters' photos this morning!

Thursday 23 March 2017

Light Workshop

Whilst visiting @Bristol we took part in a Light Workshop and used light boxes to learn about how light is made and what we can do with colours.

Exploring @Bristol

On Tuesday we went to visit @Bristol and had great fun exploring and playing on all of the activities!

Friday 17 March 2017

Roman Architects

This morning, we imagined that we were rich Romans designing the layout of our villa. We had 8000 denarii to spend on these items.

What do you think of our choices?

Welcome to the Roman Empire

We have been learning about the important buildings in a Roman town. We learnt about aqueducts, forums, amphitheatres and temples!

MADD Evening

Well done to everyone who took part in MADD evening yesterday. Those of us who weren't taking part this year enjoyed going along to see the orchestra and string group rehearsing yesterday.

Thursday 16 March 2017

Racing with Gladiators

In English, we have enjoyed reading a story called 'Racing with Gladiators', about two children who are sent back to ancient Pompeii to rescue the story of Hercules. In the book, Hercules rescues them from the falling pumice. We wrote our own alternative endings and are beginning to plan our own adventures for Jack and Annie, using a story mountain. We've also been thinking about paragraphs.