Wednesday 28 September 2016

In the DT room...

We enjoyed investigating the nets of cereal boxes (and other shapes) as part of the research stage of our DT project.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Real life digestion!

In Science today,  3P have been learning how our body processes food. Mrs Rookes took everybody out into the playground to act out what happens to food after we swallow it!

The fibre was all 'pooped' out at the end!

Monday 26 September 2016

Meerkat Mail

Meet Sonny...

We started thinking about him in Geography and made some special lift-flap maps to compare where he lives to where we live.

Friday 23 September 2016

Super stories

Mrs Penny really enjoyed reading these stories and was very impressed by our editing skills. We have practiced them this week and have thought about using our purple pens to improve sentences. We have also started thinking about story settings. 

Maths fun

European languages day

Super fancy dress everyone!

We had a super French lesson led by some Sixth Form students to celebrate European Language day.

If you fancy learning some French animals and animal sounds, have a look at the song we listened to.

Friday 16 September 2016


We have enjoyed reading this book in English...

which is full of short stories about beasty adventures.

Mrs Penny is looking forward to reading them and will be adding some to the blog soon!

Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot!

This week, we have kicked off our Geography Topic by beginning to think about deserts. We discussed what we thought deserts were like and then started to look at where the world's largest deserts were and why.

Lots of the class were very surprised that there were cold deserts as well as hot deserts, but we noticed that many of the hot deserts were situated near to the Equator, and between the Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer. Mrs Penny explained to some of us about the wind belts which help to create these deserts.

Thursday 8 September 2016

If it makes you happy...

In PSHE this term we will be talking about our feelings. Today we started by thinking about Happiness. We read a story called The Shirt of Happiness, which was all about am unhappy king, who realised it was much more fun to be happy than grumpy, and the made Play Doh models of the things that make us happy; from our family, to rugby!

A busy Day One

In our first Maths lesson, we played some maths strategy games. It was a great way to get used to working with some of our new class mates. Why not ask us to explain how to play one of the games over the weekend?